
By PWCS (other events)

Fri, Apr 13 2018 12:00 PM EST Sun, Apr 15 2018 5:30 PM EST


当“大众创业,万众创新“早已成为定义我们这个时代的名片时,我们应该冷静的思考,站在转型与发展的十字路口,作为新时代的见证者,我们被赋予了何种责任。梁启超曾在“少年中国说”的华章中写道“今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。” 四十年前的改革开放给了中国新的方向,四十年后的今天,在时代的巨变之下,我们这一代又该已何种方式重塑中国未来。

As Prime Minister Keqiang Li pointed out, “Innovation serves as the backbone of every breakthrough of the Chinese economy.” It is difficult to forget how economic reforms of the Chinese economy brought about a historical turning point. Forty years have passed since China’s major economic reforms, and the spirit of innovation continues to inspire the Chinese people, promoting national prosperity and strength as well as rejuvenation of the national identity. As China once again encounters a critical turning point in history, the road ahead is sure to hold many obstacles and challenges. It is disheartening to see not only that the excess of productivity and the unequal distribution of wealth continue to burden the society and economy of China, but also that the conflict between environmental pollution and technological advances remains unresolved.

Furthermore, the introduction of western entertainment and culture has diminished traditional Chinese customs. Thus, China is currently undergoing unprecedented challenges. When public entrepreneurship and innovation have long become the defining characteristics of our generation, we should think about the responsibility we are given as we stand at the crossroads of transition and development. As Qichao Liang once said, “The responsibility of today falls on no one else but our youth.” The Chinese economic reform that occurred forty years has since established a new direction for progress in China. Today, our generation should continue to reflect upon the question of how we will reshape China’s future.